

在CEA CAPA, we’re committed to providing programs that align with your academic, 专业, 个人目标. 这就是为什么我们在设计课程时考虑到你们! 多样化的, 治学严谨的, 基于学科, focused on active learning… our programs help you cultivate global competence, 获得批判性思维技能, 跨文化交流, and immerse into local culture–all while earning credits toward graduation.


在我们所有的地点提供, our standard programs allow you to choose courses within your discipline or subject of interest. 这取决于你选择的课程, 你将在CEA CAPA学习中心学习课程, 本地合作大学, 或者两者兼而有之. Our standard programs offer courses taught in English or the host language, providing you options based on your specific level of language ability.


我们的混合课程提供两全其美! You’ll experience both the active-learning environment that characterizes our CEA CAPA 研究 Centers, and the opportunity to take courses with other international and local students at our local partner institutions. Together, the hybrid option provides a truly integrated experience.


不能只选一个地点? Learn in multiple cities through a multi-site program. Whether it’s a travelling January Term seminar that gives you the opportunity to spend two to three weeks gaining in-depth, 实践的角度, or multiple locations paired together over the summer, 多站点的程序 创造一个难忘的学习环境.


海外第一年经历 是一种有价值的高影响力的实践,它使U.S. institutions apart and supports student development and academic success. Developed based on best practices in higher education, CEA CAPA’s program incorporates many features of first-year experience programming commonly found on many U.S. 校园, including a strong student support system and facilitated reflective pedagogy and mentor船. 通过与CEA CAPA合作,美国.S. institutions will have access to CEA CAPA’s cohort model in which institutions share resources with other first-year programs while ensuring their own signature brand is infused throughout the student experience. 了解更多 在这里.


CEA CAPA’s international intern船 programs provide you with unique, hands-on experience that allows you to gain marketable skills while you’re studying abroad. 我们广泛的业务网络, 非营利性的, and non-governmental organization contacts around the world mean intern船 placements tailored to your 专业 and academic goals. Boost your résumé while gaining the experience and skills that set you apart from the competition!

CEA CAPA aligns your placement to your 专业, academic, 个人目标. Most internships are part-time (so you’ll take other classes abroad, 而且很多都不需要外语能力.

除了少数例外, CEA CAPA internships allow you to earn credit while offering a concurrent cross-cultural leader船 seminar. 通过专门的评估和反思, you’ll maximize your experience by learning to clearly articulate skills and knowledge gained, an ability that’s essential when applying for jobs or speaking about your international experience to a potential employer.

We want your intern船 placement to provide a meaningful and intentional experience. That’s why the application process involves a thoughtful pre-planning component, including a Skype or in-person interview to ensure a good match. 听起来不错?

寻找宝博体育机会 在我们世界各地的办公地点!


Our service learning programs provide you with the framework to make connections between your host community experiences and your academic pursuits while giving back to your host community.

Expand your worldview and cultivate your global competency as you engage in and grapple with issues facing your host community. 通过引导安置, you’ll gain intangible research skills and experience that will benefit future academic endeavors such as your senior thesis, capstone项目, 甚至是职业规划. You’ll learn how community comes together to address societal issues and gain socio-cultural skills that will set you apart.

Many service learning placements don’t require foreign language skills; those that do will help you hone your proficiency in the host language. 还有你的兼职工作, you’ll take academic courses that place your real-life experience into context. 服务学习超越了传统的志愿服务, integrating theoretic and practical components 如:

  • 与当地和弱势群体互动
  • Service to public, 非营利性的, or non-governmental organizations
  • First-hand assessment of community needs, challenges, expectations, and strengths
  • Providing concrete service that may range from hands-on tasks to strategic advice

在过去, CEA CAPA students have completed service learning placements with municipal governments, 社区发展协会, 环保组织, 居委会, 社区行动小组, 学校, 和更多的.


CEA CAPA's Global Career Development Certificate (GCDC) allows you to expand your pre-专业 experience by connecting with a mentor in your career field of interest. Participating in this mentor船 program enhances your résumé by providing practical experience and building skills that employers value.

GCDC包括一个1学分的研讨会, designed to guide your exploration and enhance your global competency. 在项目的指导部分, you're matched with a local 专业 who works in an industry aligned with your major, 如:

  • 非营利性的
  • 新闻摄影
  • 政府
  • 学校心理学
  • 创业
  • 代理/生产
  • 业务
  • 市场营销
  • 时装设计